Policies & Regulations
General Policies
TIP Groupable Projects Policy- MMMPO Revision of the TIP Process
Public Involvement Policy (Adopted August 2022)
MMMPO Bylaws (Revised January 2024)
MMMPO Title VI Plan (March 2023)
Title VI Complaint Form
MMMPO Travel Policy (2022 Update)
MMMPO Freedom of Information Act Response Policy and Procedures (June 2011)
Personnel Policy (December 2010)
Agreement Establishing MMMPO
Joint Resolution Establishing MMMPO
Adopted MMMPO Professional Technical Services Procurement Policy
MMMPO GIS Data Request Policies
TIP Adjustment Policy (2014)
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Transportation Improvement Program is a short-term planning document that outlines transportation projects that will be funded and implemented over the next four to five years in a particular metropolitan area or state.
The TIP is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation and is developed through a collaborative process involving local and state transportation agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and other stakeholders.
The TIP is updated periodically to reflect changes in transportation needs, funding availability, and other factors. See the most current updates below.
MMMPO TIP Admin Adjust for July Letter
Updated TIP Highway Table- June and August 2023
Updated TIP Highway Table - March 2023
MMMPO Committed Ongoing Project List (March 2023)
MMMPO TIP Table (August 2022)
MLTA TIP Table ( August 2022)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (May 2022)
TIP FY 2022 - FY 2026
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (January 2021)
TIP JANUARY 21, 2021, MARCH 18, 2021, AND MAY 20, 2021
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (January 2021)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (November 2020 Corrected Table)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (November 2020)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (May 2020)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (June 2019)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (March 2019)
TIP Project Table (October 2018)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (August 2018)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (June 2018)
TIP FY 2019 - 23 (May 2018)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (March 2018)
TIP Amendments & Adjustments (January 2018)
TIP Amendments and Adjustments (November 2017)
Project list - Amendment (July 2017)
Project list - Adjustment (May 2017)
Project list - Amendment (May 2017)
May 2017 MMMPO TIP Amendments
TIP Amendments/TIP Adjustments (March 2017)
March 2017 TIP Amend Transmittal
TIP Amendments/TIP Adjustments (November 2016)
TIP Amendment (October 2016)
TIP Amendment (June 2016)
TIP Amendment (May 2016)
2016 Transportation Improvement Program
2013 Transportation Improvement Program FY2013-17
Adopted TIP 2013 Project Spreadsheet (through 1-23-14)
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
Metropolitan Transportation Plan is a long-term planning document that outlines a metropolitan area's transportation goals, objectives, and strategies for the next 20 to 30 years. The MTP is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation for all metropolitan areas with a population of over 50,000 and is developed through a collaborative process involving local and state transportation agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and other stakeholders.
The MTP is updated every 5 years to reflect changes in transportation needs, funding availability, and other factors.
MMMPO 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
MTP 2050 Executive Summary
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) & Budget
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2024-25
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2023-24
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2022-23
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2020-21
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2019-20
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2018-19
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2017-18
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2016-17
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2015-16
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2014-15
Unified Planning Work Program FY 2013-14